David Fiore
Dr. Fiore has twenty-five years of academic experience balancing patient care, teaching and leadership. Professional philosophy encompasses life-long learning, self-improvement and continuing education, with a desire to encourage these traits in colleagues and learners evidenced by the following accomplishments. Dr. Fiore grew up in upstate New York and attended college and medical school at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. After an internship in New York City he took a three year break from training where he worked in as an emergency department physician in upstate New York and then travelled and volunteered in Asia for almost a year, before returning to training in Family Medicine in Redding California. This led him to come to Reno to join the Department of Family Medicine at UNR and join the medical staff at Saint Mary’s and (then) Washoe Medical Center. Practicing, and teaching, in the outpatient and inpatient realms has been a source of joy for Dr. Fiore. He has particularly enjoyed the relationship between the UNR Department of Family Medicine and Saint Mary’s and is strongly motivated to build and nurture that relationship.